понедельник, 12 сентября 2011 г.

history of guess jeans::It consisted of an instore fit specialist, armed with tape measure and access to a few jean styles and expertise on how to make your denim work for you history of guess jeans

history of guess jeans history of guess jeans::It consisted of an instore fit specialist, armed with tape measure and access to a few jean styles and expertise on how to make your denim work for you.
Customers tried on jean after jean until they found a style they liked and a hip measurement that fit.
The fit specialist would then determine what changes needed to be made to the jean waist and inseam length to maximize that custom fit.
New jeans arrived instore a few weeks later.
Drawbacks of the program included the fact that it was a mostly manual, time consuming process, and centered only on fit rather than complete customization of both fit and style.
The person being scanned had to wear a skin tight leotard for their measurements to be accurate.
Not exactly what i call fun.
Nevertheless, the program and its scanner pioneered a field that would give indi its future success.
They would then step into a waist high human blow dryer until their new jeans hugged every body curve.
Unfortunately this was a 34 hour process and your skin and underwear would be tinted indigo blue from waist to ankles until you showered!
In the year 2000, the us national size survey launched as an anthropometric research project, gathering information that would eventually help the clothing industry find out just who they were selling to.
The survey lasted three years and scanned over 10,000 subjects.
The data gathered is still used for fit algorithms across the masscustomization industry today.
Other developments in the evolution of the custom jeans included the emergence of websites like zafu.
These sites ask customers questions about their body.
Using that information, a list of products that would complement their shape is generated.
Finally, 10 years after the first custom jean idea made it to the mainstream comes indidenim.

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